Wicke Crop Insurance
Serving the Michigan Farmer Since 1986

Multi-Peril Crop Insurance
Crop Insurance is purchased by agricultural producers, including farmers. The purpose of the policy is provide a risk management tool that will protect against crop loss or revenue loss due to natural disasters or market decline. Perils could include, flooding, drought, hail, wind or wildlife.

Other Insurance Products
Property & Casualty
Beginning in 2016, Wicke Insurance has partnered with Sovis Insurance Agency to offer other insurance products. Like Wicke Crop, Sovis strives to provide quality coverages at an affordable price. Sovis Insurance specializes in farmowner insurance policies, including personal & commercial auto, workers compensation and farm umbrellas. Contact Sovis today for a quote and an opportunity to earn your business.

Agency Promise
Wicke Crop Insurance is committed to service. Since 1986, we have been working hard to ensure our clients receive the best possible crop insurance in Michigan. Our goal is to provide you superior customer support and expert advice. Learn more about what we do by contacting Wicke Crop for a free quote and policy review. You’ll be surprised to learn what we can offer you and your farming operation.
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